Memorial Notifications

Book of Memories™ Notifications

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Keep everyone informed 

Things can change fast. When a loved one’s service details change, many families scramble to let their relatives and friends know. Now on our memorial web pages, anyone can subscribe for these updates.  

In one single message, you can help families communicate all changes to the people that need to know. 

Helping you communicate

Send updates in seconds

How People Talk

Send notifications to how people communicate today. People turn to their smartphone and inbox for the updates they need. It’s how they want to be contacted. 

Missing Contact Info

Families may not have the phone number or email address of every single person that wants to pay their respects. Help them reach those they may have forgotten or those they have no way of reaching. 

Service at a Later Date 

This notification feature is perfect for funeral services that do not have a date yet. When the service is scheduled and the details are finalized, you can easily update those that want to know. 

One Message

Families are used to manually phoning every single relative and friend when things change. Now you can help them streamline the process. Craft a single message that can be sent to everyone that needs to know. 

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How People Talk

Send notifications to how people communicate today. People turn to their smartphone and inbox for the updates they need. It’s how they want to be contacted.  

Missing Contact Info

Families may not have the phone number or email address of every single person that wants to pay their respects. Help them reach those they may have forgotten or those they have no way of reaching. 

Service at a Later Date 

This notification feature is perfect for funeral services that do not have a date yet. When the service is scheduled and the details are finalized, you can easily update those that want to know. 

One Message

Families are used to manually phoning every single relative and friend when things change. Now you can help them streamline the process. Craft a single message that can be sent to everyone that needs to know.  
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Types of Messages

 Service Changes

Update subscribers when dates, times, and locations have been finalized. 

Celebration of Life Details

If guests should bring, wear, or need something special for the service, let them know. 

Share the webcasting link

For those unable to attend the service, send them the link to watch the live streaming video. 

Send a 'thank you'

Help families thank everyone for the support they've received. 

 Service Changes

Update subscribers when dates, times, and locations have been finalized. 

Celebration of Life Details

If guests should bring, wear, or need something special for the service, let them know. 

Share the webcasting link

For those unable to attend the service, send them the link to watch the live streaming video. 

Send a 'thank you'

Help families thank everyone for the support they've received. 

Instant updates

This feature is all about notifying people as soon as possible. In today's world, things change fast and communicating these changes are important. With one single message, you can reach hundreds of people in a matter of seconds. 

How it works

1) Signing up for Notifications

Anyone can easily visit the loved one's online memorial and subscribe to receive notifications. 
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2) Phone number or email address

Anyone who wants notifications is only required to submit their phone number and/or email address. 
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3) Work within Your System

Go to your system. Find the associated death record, click 'Book of Memories', and then 'Notification Messages'. 
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4) Craft the message and send

Hit the 'Send New Message' button. Type your message within the text box and send when you are ready. 
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3) Work within Your System

Go to your system. Find the associated death record, click 'Book of Memories', and then 'Notification Messages'. 
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4) Craft message and send

Hit the 'Send New Message' button. Type your message within the text box and send when you are ready. 
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Text message & email

For many, texting and emailing have become the primary ways to communicate. Nowadays, people do not go a day without checking their email inbox or texting a friend. 

That is why we added this notification tool to the Book of Memories. Help families send updates on the channels that matter.  
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